So how's everyone's socks coming along. Seem's we have all gotten very quiet. It is hard now that the weather is getting nice! I am looking forward to seeing everyone's goodies.
You can contact me at cassandra.grubbly.plank AT gmail DOT com anytime with any questions
What to Send
First years: Socks in pals house colors, stitch makers in house color, Potter inspired knitting pattern,knitting needles and anything else HP or knitting you want to throw in
Second Years: Socks in pals house colors, Potter bookmark, Potter inspired knitting pattern, knitting needles and anything else HP or knitting you want to throw in
Third Years: Socks in pal house colors, Potter Journal or knitting journal HP related, Potter inspired knitting pattern, knitting needles and anything else HP or knitting you want to throw in
My socks are finally cast on and going pretty quickly. They should be done by the end of next week and then I'll send the owl!
Fleur Dolohov
1st year
My socks just need ends weaved. How are your socks coming?
One down, one to go!
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